Welcome to St Giles Church.

The church is open to all between 7 in the morning and 7 in the evening every day.

St Giles is part of the Wye Brooks Benefice, which includes the churches of 
Llangrove, Llangaron, Marstow and Welsh Newton.
The regular services at St Giles are:
First Sunday in the month: Compline (Evening Prayers)
    -6:00 pm April to September, inclusive
    -4:00 pm October to March, inclusive 
Second Sunday of the month-11:00. Holy Communion
Third Sunday of the month    -11:00  Lay Lead Service
Fourth Sunday of the month   -11:00 Holy Communion

See the Calendar for more details and Wye Brooks Website and A Church Near You for information, or contact the PCC Chair- Helen Phillips on 07508320111


St. Giles stands at the heart of the village of Goodrich, and it is very much a central part of the community. As well as welcoming all to worship with us, the church seeks to offer support and friendship and bring together those who live in the village.

The Church

A church has stood on the site of St Giles, since the 12th Century and the building and graveyard are full of beautiful and fascinating features and many listed monuments. Three public footpaths meet in the churchyard, so it is much visited by local people, as well as those from further afield. Information about the history of St Giles church can be found on this site. More details are in the History of the St Giles.

We are fortunate to have an excellent 19th century organ and an accomplished organist,  Keith Jones. Music and song have always been a strong feature of services and events at St Giles.

St Giles’ is very much a community church of Goodrich and the surrounding area and our aim is both to support and be part of the community. Like virtually all country churches, the members work hard to raise money to maintain the building and the ministry. Each year there are several events, full details of which are always in the Border News, or can be found on our Facebook page .  The congregation of St Giles’ Church is quite small but active and very welcoming. We are always delighted to see new people come to worship with us.You will receive a warm welcome.  In all our services there is a time of singing, prayers, a bible reading and a message given by one of the church leaders.  We usually serve refreshments after the service. Our Sunday services usually last about one hour. There is no dress code, just come in your normal clothes.  You are free to simply observe or to participate as much as you wish.  Children are especially welcome and there are toys and books at the back of the church if they get bored.

We have strong links with the Primary School. One of the clergy leads collective worship there every week and Revd Ben is a foundation governor. At least three times a year the whole school comes up to the church for an act of worship. We value the close relationship we have with the school’.

 The Vicar

Revd Ben Bentham: has been the vicar for Goodrich with Welsh Bicknor, Llangarron, Llangrove, Marstow, and Welsh Newton with Llanrothal since March 2017. Ben comes originally from Lancashire, and has a background in education, missionary work abroad and parish ministry. He is married to Lisa, who is a teacher and together they have grown up twin sons, Jonathon and David. Our Associate Minister is Simon Tarlton, who lives with his wife, Caroline, in Goodrich.


The PCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric, its contents and its graveyard. The PCC consists of clergy, Church Wardens (of which we have none, at present) and representatives from the congregation, who are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.

St Giles’ PCC comprises:

  • The incumbent - Ben Bentham
  • Lay Chair - Helen Phillips
  • Acting Secretary - Helen Phillips
  • Treasurer – Ken Gort
  • Rev Simon Tarlton
  • Caroline Tarlton
  • Carol Coleman
  • Marlene Corker
  • Doreen Walters
  • Rebecca Wood
  • (Helen Phillips also takes the lead in dealing with issues which would normally be the responsibility of a Church warden)

The PCC works tirelessly to look after St Giles church, to promote the work and teachings of the Christian church, and to raise substantial funds every year, which go towards the upkeep of the church building and graveyard and to pay, annually, our Parish Share.

Churchyard maintenance is a large undertaking at St Giles, and is carried out throughout each year by some members of the PCC and a small, hardworking group of volunteers.

We always warmly welcome and very much appreciate all those who feel they would like to support our church, whether that be through joining the PCC, or just by helping out occasionally with things like cleaning, weeding, cutting the grass, flower arranging, lending a hand with fund raising events etc. It is becoming increasingly critical for us that we attract new people, from within the community, to help us in our work and particularly to take on some of the important roles, especially Church Warden or Secretary

If you would like become a Church Warden,  join the PCC, or help in any way,  please contact the PCC chair, Helen Phillips Tel: 0750832011 or e mail: haphillips@btinternet.com



"Our website has been donated by the family of Alan Sheldon in his memory."

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Daily Message

A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!
Proverbs 15:23
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